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Hermann Tertsch is a Spanish Member of European Parliament (ECR – Vox), elected in 2019. Before that, he worked as a journalist for about 40 years, amongst others for Spanish press agency EFE, center-left newspaper El País, conservative newspaper ABC, Telemadrid and Radio Nacional de España.
In this this episode of the Brussels Report podcast, BrusselsReport.eu editor Pieter Cleppe discusses the following topics with him:
– The ECR’s decision to walk out from the Conference on the future of Europe
– What’s the best way to get the EU back on the path of a vehicle to open up trade?
– What to think of the EU financing arms transfers to Ukraine?
– The current political situation in Spain, including the Catalan quest for more autonomy
“#CoFoE” concludes amidst ECR walkout https://t.co/s2EzUAZjK9 @ecrgroup
— BrusselsReport.EU (@brussels_report) May 3, 2022
Abuso y malversación son hábito
"El Gobierno oculta que dio 20 millones del ICO a la productora de la serie sobre Sánchez". https://t.co/PB3laWNCoZ a través de @voz_populi
— Hermann Tertsch (@hermanntertsch) May 10, 2022
🇪🇸 MEP @hermanntertsch applauds the heroic Ukrainians, the oppressed Russians protesting Putin, and the generosity of the Poles.
‼️ "Europe is facing a total crisis. We are facing a tragedy, an aggression. We must help the millions of refugees." https://t.co/AcUM87LyuR
— EP Speeches (@EP_Speeches) March 9, 2022