The Brussels Report Podcast Episode 24 – The EU’s policy towards Iran

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In this episode of the Brussels Report podcast, editor Pieter Cleppe discusses the tense relationship between the EU and Iran with two eminent experts on the topic:

Rebecca Schönenbach, CEO of Veto! For the Rule of Law and expert in extremism and terrorist financing (Part I of the podcast)


Kambiz Ghafouri, Director KGM Media, journalist and expert on Iran domestic and foreign policy (Part II of the podcast)

The following topics are being discussed:

– Are we close to a new Iran deal? What are the pitfalls? Are there any upsides?

– Are Iran and Russia rivals or are they full-fledged allies? How should the EU and the West position themselves against this?

– What should be EU policy towards Iran?

– Is Russia already using Iran to circumvent the sanctions? Will this increase after a deal with Iran?