The Brussels Report Podcast Episode 27 on the state of public finances in the Eurozone – with economist Daniel J. Mitchell

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Daniel J. Mitchell is a public policy economist based in Washington D.C. For years, he has been extensively commenting fiscal and budgetary policy in the OECD, having served as a Senior Fellow at the Cato Institute and the Heritage Foundation, as an economist for Senator Bob Packwood and at the Senate Finance Committee, and as a Director of Tax and Budget Policy at Citizens for a Sound Economy. He is also the founder of the Center for Freedom and Prosperity and often comments on fiscal and economic policy on his blog.

This podcast is an audio record of a Brussels Report seminar recently hosted in Brussels, in cooperation with the Tholos Foundation, where Daniel J. Mitchell discussed the state of public finances in the Eurozone, exploring the following questions. This against a background of European governments engaging in yet another round of budgetary expansion as a response to the energy crisis, after stretching their fiscal capacity to deal with the consequences of Covid lockdowns, all amidst increasing interest rates and with a monetary union with only shaky political underpinning.

  • How bad is the situation really for Eurozone governments?
  • Could this ultimately once again threaten the monetary union?
  • Which fiscal and economic policies can governments pursue to stimulate economic growth to alleviate debt levels?
  • Which Eurozone member states are mostly in trouble?

His presentation can be downloaded here: Brussels October 2022 Dan M.

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