Six reasons why Xi Jinping’s China cannot be trusted

By Belgian MEP Johan Van Overtveldt, (Belgian Finance Minister between 2014 and 2018, Chairman of the European Parliament’s Budget Committee and Professor of Economics...

The legal protection of the innovation that delivered Covid vaccines is...

Today, it’s “World IP Day”, which celebrates the value of intellectual property, or “IP”. Considering the havoc the Covid19 – pandemic has wrought to...

Jens-Peter Bonde, the Eurosceptic who helped to change the EU for...

On Easter Sunday, former Danish MEP Jens-Peter Bonde, also known as “Mr. Transparency”, passed away, shortly after turning 73. Hereunder, Andreas Marckmann Andreassen and...

In defense of tax competition within the EU

Earlier this month, U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen called for a global minimum corporate tax rate. The proposal was quickly backed by Germany and...

The “European Green Deal”: another fateful attempt at central planning

By Fabian Wintersberger, Rates Trader and Economist, based in Austria Today, the European Parliament and EU governments closed a deal on how far to go...

Does the Conference on the Future of Europe present EU citizens...

By Pelle Christy Geertsen (EU expert, analyst, commentator, and lobbyist) Yesterday, there was yet another press conference and a whole lot of communication on...

Sofagate should serve as a warning not to trust the EU...

by Robert Tyler (political strategist, working for a European political party) ”Sofagate”, in which European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen was deprived a chair...

Spain’s spending of EU recovery funds threatens to turn into a...

By Daniel Rodríguez Asensio, a Spanish economist and strategy consultant, who’s the founder and President of think tank Acción Liberal. The game for European...

During Germany’s “super election year”, the EU looks like an afterthought

By Pieter de Jonge, a Dutch historian and publicist 2021 has been dubbed “Superwahljahr”, or “super election year”, in Germany: elections are being held in...

Is the mafia about to get a massive financial injection from...

In an interview with EUObserver, Italian criminal law Professor Vincenzo Musacchio makes a remarkable statement on what has happened to the billions of euros...
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