What future for the European Union: Integration or Cooperation?

Following the Dutch 2021 election, Dutch Professor of European Public Administration Adriaan Schout, who teaches at Radboud University Nijmegen, outlines a long term vision...

EU vaccine protectionism: The plot thickens

At their summit this Thursday and Friday, EU state and government leaders will need to give their say on the proposal by the European...

EU Member States should resist Von der Leyen’s protectionist vaccine export...

fIn something resembling an escalation, European Commission President von der Leyen yesterday threatened to block vaccine exports, unless the EU ‘gets its fair share’....

Five ways in which the EU mismanaged vaccine policy

The EU failed to secure vaccines as quickly as the U.K., the U.S. and Israel Whatever the reason, not as many Covid vaccines...

An ever shrinking number of Member States is shouldering the cost...

By Herman Matthijs (Professor in public finance at the Universities of Ghent and Brussels and a member of Belgium’s High Council of Finance) Since the...

On the erosion of the rule of law in the EU...

The launch this week of Transparency International’s annual corruption index highlights something that EU watchers cannot fail to have missed in the past year:...

How travel restrictions have emerged as the most succesfull tool to...

Back in April, I listed five measures governments can take to prevent the spread of Covid in order to prevent any need for economically devastating...

Did Brexit lead to the UK’s vaccine success?

Originally published by The Spectator Today the United Kingdom became the first country in the West to clinically authorise a vaccine protecting against Covid-19, after the...

From Russia to France, politicians discover higher taxes can lead to...

  Originally published by The European Post Last month, an illegal cigarette factory was discovered in Brussels. Not less than 170,760 cigarettes and 11.5 tonnes of...

“Refugee cities” as an alternative to tired old thinking on migration

In her “State of the Union”, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen announced that the EU’s long-awaited “new pact” on migration and asylum will be unveiled on...
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