Safeguarding media freedom in the EU
By Susanna Lukacs
New legislation in Slovakia foresees to place public broadcaster RTVS under full government control, as the Slovak government has been claiming...
Sweden as a model for EU health policy
Today, a panel debate in Brussels hosted by The Parliament Magazine and the Tholos Foundation explored the challenge of how to achieve a smoke-free... Ranking of Members of European Parliament 2019-2024
In the run-up to the 2024 European Parliament elections, is happy to present its Ranking of Members of European Parliament for the period...
European liberty campaigners gather in Madrid
On 23 and 24 May, the Europe Liberty Forum took place in Madrid. It was hosted by Atlas Network, which connects nearly 600 independent...
“Nemo iudex in causa sua”- A concept alien to the European...
By Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Carl Baudenbacher, Baudenbacher Kvernberg, lawyers and advisors, President of the EFTA Court 2003-2017
On 3 April 2024, in the landmark ruling...
The EU’s Artificial Intelligence Act threatens both civil liberties and innovation
By Irakli Machaidze, a Georgian political writer, analytical journalist and fellow with Young Voices Europe. Irakli is currently based in Vienna, Austria, pursuing advanced...
The EU is turning businesses into political actors
By Marc De Vos, the founder and CEO of Belgian think tank Itinera
Following long discussions, the European Union has reached a compromise that makes...
To restore European competitiveness, the EU needs no new powers
Last week’s EU summit, which was dedicated to the EU’s slipping competitiveness, witnessed high profile reports from two former Italian top politicians: Former PM...
The proposed new EU-Switzerland deal comes with colonial overtones
Prof. Dr. iur. Dr. rer. pol. h.c. Carl Baudenbacher, former President of the EFTA Court (2003-2017), Partner Baudenbacher Kvernberg, Zurich/Oslo/Stavanger/Brussels, Visiting Professor at the...
Not fear but science should be the driving force for policy...
By Swedish MEP Johan Nissinen (SD-ECR)
The German loanwords in English, that enjoy wide popularity, seem to have a strong tendency to deal with the...